Mathematics & Physics Group
Chemistry Group
Pharma Group
Engineering Group
Biology Group
Clinical Group
Medical Group
- SARS-CoV-2 related HIV, HBV, RSV, VZV, Enteric viruses, Influenza, DENV, S. aureus and TB co-infections... -Ammara Azhar
- Reasons why new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2 infections are likely to spread -Takuma Hayashi
- Pulmonary Involvement in COVID-19 and ‘Long Covid’: The Morbidity, Complications and Sequelae -Vinod Nikhra
- Child protection services during COVID-19 in Oman, child protection workers views -Muna Ahmed Al Saadoon*
- Impact of the COVID-19 infection on the “benign” nature of the illness of Schönlein-Henoch -A Vasileva